how to get zygarde cells

How to Get Zygarde Cells: A Comprehensive Guide

Zygarde is one of the most fascinating Legendary Pokémon in the series, known for its ability to change forms by assembling Zygarde Cells. If you’re playing a Pokémon game that features Zygarde Cells, such as Pokémon Sun and Moon or Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, you’ll need to collect these cells to unlock Zygarde’s full potential. This guide will walk you through how to get Zygarde Cells, their locations, and the mechanics behind their use.

What Are Zygarde Cells?

Zygarde Cells are fragments of the Legendary Pokémon Zygarde, and they play a crucial role in its transformation. Zygarde has multiple forms:

  • 10% Forme – Requires 10 Zygarde Cells
  • 50% Forme – Requires 50 Zygarde Cells
  • Complete Forme – Requires 100 Zygarde Cells

To unlock these forms, you must collect the necessary Cells scattered throughout the game world.

How to Get Zygarde Cells: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Get Zygarde Cells in Pokémon Sun and Moon

In Pokémon Sun and Moon, Zygarde Cells are hidden throughout the Alola region. Players must collect them using the Zygarde Cube, which is given to them by Dexio and Sina in Route 16. Here’s a step-by-step guide to obtaining them:

1. Obtain the Zygarde Cube

Before you can start collecting Cells, you need the Zygarde Cube. Dexio and Sina will give it to you when you reach Route 16 on Ula’ula Island. The cube stores the collected cells, allowing you to track your progress.

2. Explore the Alola Region

Zygarde Cells are scattered across all four islands in Alola. Some of the best strategies to locate them include:

  • Check every route and location thoroughly. Some cells only appear during the day or night.
  • Look behind buildings, on beaches, and in caves. They are often placed in less obvious spots.
  • Talk to NPCs. Some may provide hints about nearby cells.

3. Collecting the Cells

Once you find a Zygarde Cell, simply interact with it, and it will be stored in your Zygarde Cube. Some cells appear as green, while others appear as core forms, which are necessary for teaching Zygarde special moves.

How to Get Zygarde Cells in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

The process is similar in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, but there are slight differences:

1. Dexio and Sina’s Challenge

After reaching Route 16, Dexio and Sina will battle you before giving you the Zygarde Cube. Once you obtain it, you can start collecting cells across Alola.

2. Zygarde Cell Locations

Many cells are found in the same places as in Pokémon Sun and Moon, but a few new locations have been added. Some areas to check include:

  • Poni Wilds and Ancient Poni Path
  • Haina Desert
  • Exeggutor Island
  • Secluded shorelines and caves

3. Reassembling Zygarde

In Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, you can create different Zygarde forms at the Aether Base on Route 16 by using the Reassembly Unit. You can:

  • Assemble Zygarde from collected cells
  • Disassemble an existing Zygarde to retrieve cells
  • Change Zygarde’s Ability and moves

Best Strategies for Finding Zygarde Cells

1. Use the Day/Night Cycle to Your Advantage

Some Zygarde Cells appear only during the day or night. Make sure to explore the same areas at different times.

2. Revisit Locations

If you miss a cell, you can always return later. Some cells may become available after progressing further in the game.

3. Utilize Online Maps and Guides

If you’re struggling to find all 100 cells, using a guide with exact locations can help speed up the process.

How to Get Zygarde Cells: A Comprehensive Guide

Why Collect Zygarde Cells?

Collecting Zygarde Cells is essential for:

  • Obtaining Zygarde in all its forms – Without collecting cells, you can’t transform Zygarde into its more powerful states.
  • Unlocking its signature move, Core Enforcer – This move is exclusive to Zygarde’s Complete Forme.
  • Customizing Zygarde – You can change its abilities, moves, and forms depending on how many cells you collect.


Understanding how to get Zygarde Cells is crucial for any Pokémon player looking to complete their Legendary Pokémon collection. Whether you’re playing Pokémon Sun and Moon or Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, collecting all 100 cells will allow you to unlock Zygarde’s full potential. By exploring the Alola region thoroughly, revisiting locations, and using the Zygarde Cube efficiently, you’ll be well on your way to assembling a powerful Zygarde in its Complete Forme. Happy hunting!

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